DayFR Euro

Mercato – ASSE: The boss breaks the silence and releases a big announcement

And Marciano


Holder of a Master’s degree in international law, I realized at the end of my university career that it was important to evolve in a field that you appreciate. Overnight, I decided to put an end to my parents’ dream, who saw in me a future lawyer, to make a living from my passion: sport. Since then, I have covered transfer windows and sports news, trying to keep readers informed as best as possible.

The first steps of the Kilmer Sports Ventures group disappointed some. The investment made during the last summer transfer window did not live up to expectations. In addition, Ivan Gazidis, promoted to the rank of president, is relatively discreet at ASSE. As the criticism begins to be felt, the Saint-Etienne leader has finally come out of silence.

The sale of ASSE has not yet produced its effects. Thirteenth of Ligue 1 before challenging the RC , the Saint-Etienne club has not yet reached a level allowing it to hope for better. Blame it on failed summer recruitment. The group Kilmer Sports Ventures has chosen to focus, essentially, on young people, who are not yet mature.

Gazidis announces the color

More Ivan Gazidis announced it, he wants to take his time with theASSE. Reason why he also did not rule out Olivier Dall’Oglio after the humiliation suffered on the lawn of the’OGC on September 20 (8-0).

“We are not going to move just to move”

“We think long-term, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a sense of urgency. If you don’t have a real emergency, you’re going to be left behind. So we have a very strong sense of urgency in everything we do. This is not incompatible with long-term thinking, and it also applies to the investment side. We want to be there for the right opportunities where we think we can add value. But we’re not going to move just to move » declared the president of theASSE to the American weekly Sports Business Journal.


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