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Pickle juice, €350 fast food the day before -, shoes in the sauna… The truths of Yacine Adli

At Zack Nani, the former Girondins de midfielder, Yacine Adlianswered various questions, including what happened the year FCGB went down to Ligue 2, finishing last in Ligue 1.

Pickle juice so you don’t get cramps?

“True, he was a physical trainer (Antonio Calado, editor’s note)… I don’t know if that made guys vomit, we’re a bit of an exaggeration there, but it was true that he wanted to make people drink pickle juice to avoid cramps, etc. But generally, no one drank it”

Did the training center almost burn down because a player forgot shoes in the sauna?

“Yes, of course, that was true, but it’s also a bit of an exaggeration… Did the training center almost burn down for that… I don’t know. Now, did it leave a bad smell for several days in the sauna, yes (laughs)”

In 2021-2022, €350 of fast food before the OL-Bordeaux match?

” TRUE. It’s simple, clear, and clear… It was during a period of Ramadan, so we were fasting. Afterwards, it was a fast food restaurant, it was Burger’S, it will give them publicity (given what followed, not sure Yacine!). We had some fairly reasonable things, like skewers… Afterwards, it came out that it was another fast food (McDo, editor’s note), but no, it wasn’t that at all. It was Ramadan and we had this in the evening to eat. There were several players. 350€, you can imagine that there are some who have grafted (smile). It wasn’t just young people. But I don’t see saying that it’s false when it’s true…”

Transcription Girondins4Ever


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