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OM: Rabiot is McCourt, not Saudi Arabia

Olympique de signed one of the huge blows of the summer by signing Adrien Rabiot outside the transfer window. Frank McCourt gave the green light to this costly operation.

OM managed to surprise everyone in the middle of September by recruiting Adrien Rabiot, free since his departure from Juventus. A spectacular operation that no one saw coming, the name of the midfielder seemingly permanently associated with PSG in Ligue 1. But Véronique Rabiot had no qualms about signing her son for the Marseille rival, no more than she had gotten by flying him out of for zero euros. Enough to rejoice the supporters of Olympique de Marseille, very happy to see those of PSG in fury. But to afford Adrien Rabiot, Pablo Longoria accepted very significant salary conditions, and for this the president of OM went to knock on Frank McCourt’s door.

Rabiot, a matter quickly resolved by OM

Although criticized by certain Marseille supporters, the American owner of the Marseille club quickly validated the operation, as confirmed by Pablo Longoria this Wednesday in the sports daily. “ When Medhi told me that there is this Rabiot possibility, it was a bit like with coach De Zerbi. The first thing was to call the supervisory board to explain, the second to explain to Frank (…) In my position, clearly, it is a big advantage to have a solid, stable and determined like him. When I was analyzing all the numbers to bring in Adrien, how… Frank said to me: “Here we go!” OK, I have to do things right, but your owner has faith », Explains Pablo Longoria, who is delighted to see that the American businessman does not give up and always takes out the checkbook when the need arises.

Enough to wring the neck of those who think that Frank McCourt is only obsessed with one thing, selling Olympique de Marseille to the Saudis. Obviously, they can always say that the American is in fact already benefiting from the latter’s money, but this theory is seriously starting to take a turn for the worse, because nothing can justify that possible buyers are also hiding. long behind McCourt. In the meantime, Adrien Rabiot is an OM player, and the Vélodrome can thank the Bostonian.


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