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Racing Club de : the ultras maintain their encouragement strike, despite growing unpopularity

This encouragement strike to demand the departure of Blue Co, announced before the start of the Ligue 1 championship, creates a significant divide within the community of Racing supporters. We attack each other on social networks, often without any care. And when you take your microphone around the Meinau stadium or the club’s training center today, opponents of the movement are now in the majority.

“At the start of the match, it’s dead calm, we only hear the opposing supporters, deplores this subscriber. I think this needs to stop. Blue Co will not leave after having invested so much money.” “We must thank Blue Co for having invested so much money, adds his neighbor from the stand. We could never have bought such players with the former shareholders. Modern football is like that. Otherwise we would have had difficulties like for example and we would have gone down to Ligue 2 one day or another.”

Among the supporters interviewed, some are worried or suspicious of timeshares, but they believe that the encouragement strike is not not the correct method to protest. “I think initially it was good to protest, supports this Meinau regular. Now we have to stop and support the young people from the start to the end of the match. The ultras can continue to put pressure behind the scenes, but not in the stadium.”

“We have the right to ask ourselves questions, adds this other Racing enthusiast. Everyone says it, it’s a training center for Chelsea. But I think going on strike at the start of the match is a bit stupid. Why not a little in the second half? But not at the beginning, so that the players can start the match with full confidence. Because the kop still sings after the first quarter of an hour and it sings really well.”

The encouragement strike will continue

Without the songs of the ultras, the atmosphere during the first quarter of an hour is actually very sad in Meinau. Despite the growing unpopularity of the movement, the Ultra Boys 90 (the strike is also followed by the Kop Ciel et Blanc and the Supporters’ Federation, the two other main supporters’ associations) do not intend to give up their encouragement strike,

No, there is no question of calling into question this strike, underlines Maxime, the vice-president of UB 90. It’s a decision that wasn’t the easiest to make, because we too would prefer to fully enjoy the match from the start. But there are interests that go beyond that and the ultimate goal is the departure of the investor to find a club that is independent. There has always been unity in the stands over the last fifteen years. So of course, today, it’s a divisive subject. Everyone has their own ideas on this, but it is a subject that we consider important for the protection of our club. Obviously, if the team’s results are more and more convincing, it will obscure the opinion of many people on the purpose. This goal is the independence of our Racing. The strike is not aimed at the players, it is aimed at the management of the club.”

supporters will not sing for 15 minutes at Meinau either

This movement of opposition to multi-ownership in football is not limited to the sphere of ultras. While next Sunday Strasbourg faces the other Racing at Meinau, the ultras of Lens announced that they would not sing during the first quarter of an hour of the meeting either.

Pro or anti Blue Co, pro or anti strike, These are many Racing lovers who are tearing each other apart. The sacred unity in the stands of Meinau, born after the club’s descent into hell, seems only a distant memory.


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