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Veretout’s scathing truths about his departure this summer!

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In recent weeks, Jordan Veretout has joined OL after his forced departure from OL. A choice that he appreciates today with a club where he visibly feels good. “The integration is going very well. There are only good guys in the locker room. I hope we will have a great time together,” Veretout told Canal Football Club. The midfielder who then returned in detail to the complicated scenario of his summer in . “It’s simple. I’m going on vacation. I am very happy. We especially enjoy it with the children because these are busy seasons. And then a few days before the start, it was Medhi Benatia who called me and said “Here is Jordan, the coach has arrived and he has a different philosophy. You are no longer part of the project.” I just answered him. “Okay, no problem but now we have to find a solution.” »

Veretout points out a lack of class

Except that things got worse with a long stay in the loft before his departure at the beginning of September. A management that Veretout does not hesitate to tackle. “I still gave a lot, I never cheated. I was still pretty good, maybe not for everyone. But the players I talk to, a lot of people find it a little unfair. I didn’t understand. In the end I respected and left with the reserve team. Now maybe it would have been a little more classy to be part of the group knowing that I had to leave. And I would have understood. I think it would have been easier for everyone,” says Veretout, who now wants to turn the page. “I have recovered well, I am 31 years old and I am in great shape. I wanted to stay at a club that has ambition and high goals and be able to play in big competitions. Now it’s in the past today, I’m very happy to be in Lyon,” concluded the French midfielder.

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To summarize

Jordan Veretout, the OL midfielder, revealed his truth about his forced departure from OM this summer. With well-chosen words. The midfielder did not fail to criticize the Marseille club for his not very classy management.


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