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OM sale: Thibaud Vézirian responds to attacks

With OM having sporting results that excite the public, the issue of the supposed sale of Frank McCourt’s club has taken a back seat. However, it would still be in the pipeline.

For more than four years, he has been saying it loud and clear, the American owner of Olympique de has decided to get rid of his club, and it is the Saudis who are still in the game. There was covid, the war in Ukraine and other imponderables, but if we can blame Thibaud Vézirian for things, no one can deny that he has stayed the course since his first release on the famous press release in drafting course to formalize the sale.

Despite the criticism and often the insults and even threats, the journalistInterview remained straight in his boots, specifying that he was at the same time writing a work which will cover all of these events and which will be released when the sale is formalized. But inevitably, with each of its live broadcasts on Twitch, TV must face perfidious remarks. Nothing to upset him, since he confirms that according to him, the sale of Olympique de Marseille will take place at a time that he cannot control.

OM sold? He is sure and certain

Our colleague has no hesitation and too bad for those who don’t believe him. “ No, the formalization lights have not turned red at all. But unfortunately there are always the hazards of business, possible postponements and that is not for lack of saying it in each sentence. Even when we say that the sources are confident, we ask to take a step back and be careful. Afterwards, if you are the type to get carried away every time on this issue, it means that you do not listen to requests to be very careful. But yes, there are always people who are very confident and that is why these people are, like me, sure and certain of what is happening to OM. I have every certainty…I’m not here to convince, it will be a very nice surprise for you », Thibaud Vézirian further clarified this weekend.


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