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Olivier Dall’Oglio gives the recipe for getting back up

ASSE travels to and will have to wash away the affront (8-0 in ). Olivier Dall’Oglio presented himself at a press conference. He answered questions from journalists. Transcription.

Olivier Dall’Oglio (ASSE) : “We continue with the players who have been injured for some time. Monconduit, Mason… We progress logically. We are on time. Furthermore, we have a small problem with Wadji, who had to stop this week due to a muscular problem. We will continue treatment on this matter. I think it could be several weeks again, unfortunately. It’s sad for him, because he has a string of injuries. Concerning Briançon, I think he still has an exam to pass. We’ll see if he needs knee surgery.

Otherwise, this week, we didn’t have too many problems. Last week, really the last day, we had a problem with Augustine Boakye, who was supposed to be in the group, but who, after training, felt discomfort in his calf. This week everything went well. Hopefully this continues tomorrow. That’s mostly it.

Pierre Cornud is progressing slowly, of course, because it’s a fairly serious injury. We are going on several weeks of recovery. But yes, it’s okay, we follow his care on a daily basis. For now, there’s not much that can be done. He needs to recover. But hey, he is there, he is present, and we also follow his programming regarding the care he must carry out. It’s at the hamstring level. He had a bad reception, actually. We see it in the images. I think the hamstring protected the knee. Did this accelerate the recruitment of a full-back? That’s not the question of the day. We have this group and we work with this group.

Wadji? It’s hard to explain. So, in terms of muscle pain, when we look for explanations, it’s a boy who is a sprinter, he puts a lot of strain on his muscles. And there, at the level of the ischios, it doesn’t work. »

The recipe for getting back up

Olivier Dall’Oglio (ASSE) : “It’s good to have a long week for us, because it allowed us to have a little more time. We had planned an extra day of rest, but we canceled it, of course, because we have to face the fact that we went through this match and we have to bounce back quickly. So, the first thing is to get together, to review the match, that is to say the return from the match. Then, it is important that the players can communicate with each other and say things to each other, so there was a meeting on this subject.

Following this, we implemented actions for the field, because that is the main thing. We have to go back to simple things, the basics, to be solid and defensively, that was the watchword of the week, that’s the work that we did. You need to clean the heads very quickly, that is, don’t look at your shoes. After a while, when you take a slap like that, you take the blow for two days, and you leave with your head held high and with clear ideas. The idea is to start with simple things, to be solid and for the organization to be at the top. Let everyone know their role, and that we certainly show more determination, especially at the start of the match. When we look at the match, it was the start that was not valid in terms of duel and races. So, back to the basics: running and being strong.

ASSE saved time

Olivier Dall’Oglio (ASSE) : « We made quite a few videos. It is difficult, but necessary. We must face things head on, we must not avoid them. Of course, rewatching the match, we cut it up. We see it more than twice and play it back to the players. This really allows us to target the objectives for the players, so that it is as clear as possible. So, it’s not lighthearted, but it’s necessary and we’re doing it thoroughly.

It was obligatory. No, I don’t delete. Now it was deleted after two days. We have to come back to it. We must show what has not been. You have to be able to look at it, to see the truth in the face. Then you have to forget. Of course, all week we didn’t stay on that. This took two or three days. It was necessary to analyze. It was obligatory for me. We are angry with ourselves. This is not anger at the players. In fact, we’re all in this together and we didn’t do the right thing. I was the first to say it from the start, I talked about it with the players too. I think I was too ambitious in the game against this team which is very athletic. They’re a very good team, we targeted them well like that. We could not resist this pressure. I didn’t like the start, of course, but we’re all in this together. We work together and we come back together.

Mentally, you have to be mentally strong. Simply put, you have to know how to get up when you fall. Already, if you fall 7 times, you get up 8 times. I think it’s a proverb. I like this one. We have fallen 8 times, so we have to get up 9 times. That’s how it is, that’s the priority. Then, psychologically, you have to have the mental strength that competitors have. Competition is not easy. We know very well where we are going. We know that we will have a difficult season, like other teams, and that we will face difficult times. There we had a very difficult one. Ultimately, I think that having a very difficult moment like that, maybe we also gained some time. Because we really put everything back together and said things to each other’s faces, as they say. I think that in our misfortune, we must make the most of it. In fact, I don’t think it’s any worse. »


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