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“We should have scored 2.20 goals”, Comolli angry at the referee who “did anything”

Four days after his team’s defeat in (2-0), the pill did not pass for the president of the Football Club. Invited to a festival in Toulouse this Thursday, Damien Comolli returned to his use of data since taking office in July 2020. To illustrate his point, it was with bitterness and frustration that he spoke of the latest defeat of the Toulouse and the referee’s performance.

Invited this Thursday to the ‘Mêlée Numérique’ festival, dedicated to innovation, Damien Comolli once again talked about data. A central fact in the Toulouse Football Club (TFC) project, in which he has been president since July 20, 2020.

Alongside the president of Stade Toulousain, Didier Lacroix, Damien Comolli detailed how the Occitan club uses this tool on a daily basis on a financial and sporting level.

To make his remarks as understandable as possible, the president of the TFC used his men’s last match. “Monday morning, we had a hangover,” he said this Thursday, in comments reported by La Dépêche. “We lost 2-0, but the Expected Goal (tool calculating the number of goals expected for each team) tells us that we should have scored 2.20 goals and Brest 0.41.” In the end, it was the opposite, Stade Brestois, although Eric Roy had largely reshuffled his team, won on home turf 2-0, against Toulouse, who scored eleven shots, with only one on target.

The match referee also targeted

The front trio – Babicka, Aboukhlal and Gboho – were not prolific last Sunday, despite being involved in five goals in Ligue 1 this season. But Damien Comolli also insisted on the referee of the match Florent Batta and his performance. “(In a match) There are always uncertainties: a referee who does anything, like in this match (against Brest), a shot which is not on target, but which hits a knee…”, said Damien Comolli, referring to a penalty finally withdrawn at TFC after the intervention of the VAR.

The bitterness of this second defeat, after five days of Ligue 1, is difficult to overcome. But Guillaume Restes’ teammates will try to get back on track on Sunday against (3 p.m.).


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