DayFR Euro

OM is heading for a clash, a new announcement falls

Hugo Chirossel


Passionate about football since a young age, becoming a sports journalist quickly became obvious to Hugo. He would later discover a love for the NBA, before exploring other horizons such as Formula 1 and the NFL.

Faced with the numerous protest movements against referees that occurred last weekend, notably those of coach Eric Roy and OM sports advisor Mehdi Benatia, the Elite Football Referees’ Union (SAFE) published a press release on Monday in which it announced that it would refer the matter to the FFF’s National Ethics Council.

Mehdi Benatia is not the only one who did not appreciate his team’s refereeing last weekend. Exasperated by a penalty whistled for a foul by Mathias Pereira Lagethe coach of Brest, Eric Royattacked Florent Battawho after sanctioning him with a yellow card, finally excluded him. Events which pushed Elite Football Referees Union (SAFE) to respond via a press release this Monday.

“A deplorable image of our football, without respect for the referees”

It didn’t take long for the alarm to be sounded, we are only in the first days… Brest and (League 1) or (Arkema Premier League): aggressive attitudes, inappropriate remarks or publications on social networks reflect a deplorable image of our football, without respect for the referees. Worse, their ethics, their integrity and their probity are questioned “, regretted the SAFE.

“The SAFE strongly condemns these facts and will refer the matter to the National Ethics Council of the French Football Federation.”

As a result, the SAFE will seize the National Ethics Council of the FFF : ” We ask for calm and restraint, respect for those who remain the guarantors of the rule. There are protocols for exchanges. Let’s respect them! SAFE strongly condemns these facts and will refer the matter to the National Ethics Council of the French Football Federation, so that they do not remain without consequences. And renews its full support for the referees. » Through the voice of its president Patrick Anton, the National Ethics Council also condemned the remarks of Mehdi Benatiawho could face a three-match suspension.


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