DayFR Euro

OM: Longoria’s vote for Labrune finally explained

On September 10, Vincent Labrune was triumphantly re-elected president of the LFP. He was acclaimed by Ligue 1 voters, including Pablo Longoria. The OM president’s vote surprised some, but it is completely logical.

Despite a chaotic TV rights saga and some media controversy, Vincent Labrune experienced a triumphant re-election at the head of the LFP. On September 10, he obtained 14 votes out of a possible 17. The support of Laurent Nicollin, Jean-Pierre Caillot and Nasser Al-Khelaifi was expected and logically arrived. OM president Pablo Longoria did the same. Some observers were surprised by this choice of the Spaniard, considered to be against the grain of the other Ligue 1 presidents. However, it could not be otherwise given the privileged relations between McCourt’s OM and Vincent Labrune.

Longoria believes in Labrune

As L’Equipe wrote in an article, the president of the LFP has maintained good relations with the American owner of OM since his first election in 2020. This has materialized through joint dinners, the visible presence of Labrune alongside McCourt for major European meetings of OM: Feyenoord in the semi-final of C4 2022 or Tottenham in the Champions League in 2022. For his part, Frank McCourt approved the main decisions of Vincent Labrune for Ligue 1. Pablo Longoria followed his boss on this path.

The management is particularly attentive to the subject of international TV rights. These have been re-evaluated upwards for clubs with a good European record. Regularly qualified in recent seasons, OM is one of the big winners in the field with PSG. Marseille will receive 16.9% of these rights this season. Enough to make Pablo Longoria say that Vincent Labrune is the ” better placed to continue the reform of French football ” An opinion that is not necessarily shared by his most loyal supporters.


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