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Statement delights fans after transfer window

Published on 09/20/2024 at 11:01 a.m.
2 minutes reading

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Aïmen Moueffek delighted ASSE supporters by explaining his decision to extend his contract with his training club until 2028, with the option of an additional year. In a press conference, the young 23-year-old midfielder revealed that this decision was largely influenced by his special relationship with coach Olivier Dall’Oglio.I feel good in Saint-Étienne, and the coach weighed heavily in my final decision.” he said.

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Moueffek, a hard-won extension

This extension was not easy, since Moueffek had been in negotiations for more than a year. However, the last few months spent under Dall’Oglio, particularly in Ligue 2, played a key role in his choice.The last six months have made a difference. I felt good with him on the bench, and that weighed heavily in my decision to extendr,” he explained, emphasizing the importance of the connection between a player and his coach.

Moueffek, trained at the club, also feels a strong attachment to AS Saint-Etienne, a club with which he still has many goals to achieve.I feel like I haven’t finished my story here. There are still things to experience and stages to go through before going elsewhere” he said, citing the club’s recent promotion to Ligue 1 as a crucial step in its journey.

Regarding his relationship with Olivier Dall’Oglio, Moueffek described a working atmosphere where trust reigns. According to him, Dall’Oglio gives great freedom to the players on the field, which allows them to flourish and give the best of themselves.He gives us the freedom to evolve as we wish. The trust he places in us is essential“, he stressed, insisting that this approach strengthens the bond between the coach and the players.

This statement, full of sincerity, has excited the supporters of the Greens, who are delighted to see a player trained at the club committing for the long term, motivated by love of the club and a strong relationship with his coach.


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