Second League – J10: Lensois and cards, and winners

Second League – J10: Lensois and cards, and winners
Second League – J10: Lensois and Marseille cards, Le Mans and Toulouse winners
Saturday January 18, 2025 – 14h30

: 0-2 (0-1)

Rodez (Stade Paul Lignon) – 701 spectators

Referee: Joana Das Neves


0-1 Tatiana SOLANET 43′ s.p. (Foul on Lapassouse. Penalty taken by Solanet who finds the right corner of the goalkeeper's right corner from the right side)

0-2 Sonia ROUMIGA 70′ (Action on the right side, Roumiga concludes with a cross shot into Philippe's right side net)

Warning: Ahead 67' in Rodez

>> The match sheet


Sunday January 19, 2025 – 1 p.m
: 1-0 (1-0)
Le Mans (Stade de la Californie) – 189 spectators
Referee: Mathilde Demoncay
1-0 Maëva SALOMON 31' (Left strike)
Warning: Soulac 66' in Nice
>> The match sheet

Sunday January 19, 2025 – 14h30
– SAINT-MALO: 6-0 (4-0)
Marseille (OM Campus Stadium – Roger Scotti) – 503 spectators
Referee: Aurélie Efe
1-0 Roxane COUASNON 32' (Following a corner taken from the left side, the ball arrives at the far post and is involuntarily handed over by Gaucher in front of the goal, Couasnon takes the opportunity to take the right from 3 m at point blank range)
2-0 Jenny PERRET 41' (20m right-hand strike from Perret which ends in the left corner)
3-0 Dona SCANNAPIECO 44' (Scannapieco found deep between the right side in the area and from 12 m places a cross shot from the right into the opposite net)
4-0 Dona SCANNAPIECO 45+1' (Scannapieco is shifted by Perret on the right side in the area, controls then places shot from the right from 11 m to the near post)
5-0 Roxane COUASNON 64' (Pressing an opponent, the ball is recovered by Couasnon 25 m away to the left who curls a shot from the right which lobs the goalkeeper and falls under the bar)
6-0 Laura BOURGOUIN 86′ (Transversal from Perret for Bourgouin who wins his face to face)
Warnings: Scannapieco 29'; Rueda 34'
>> The match sheet

Sunday January 19, 2025 – 2:30 p.m. (Broadcast on Youtube)
THONON-ÉVIAN – LENS: 0-6 (0-4)
Thonon-les-Bains (Stade Saint-Disville 3 – Gaël Bazin) – 173 spectators
Referee: Lisa Coste
0-1 Fany PRONIEZ 11′ (Polito finds Gbedjissi 20 m on the left side who makes a grazing pass which finds Proniez in the area behind Stephen, who controls and places a cross shot from 8 m from the right)
0-2 Fany PRONIEZ 25′ (Davis recovers the ball at Stephen's feet at the entrance to the area and finds El Ghazouani who takes over on the right in the area and crosses back for Proniez at the far post who controls and hits with force from the right from 8 m )
0-3 Carla POLITO 27' (Free kick 30 m right lane taken by David who falls at the penalty spot on the head of Ndiaye who returns the ball to the far post on Polito who controls, hooks two defenders and places a left shot flush with the post from 8 m )
0-4 Fany PRONIEZ 30′ (Long ball from midfielder Lejeune to launch Meunier into the left lane who overflows and crosses into the area to find Proniez who cuts in 5m at the near post from the outside of the right)
0-5 Louann ARCHIER 74′ (David in the central circle slides in the axis on Jeudy who deviates to serve in the race of Archier who scores by tackling the ball with the right from 20 m)
0-6 Aude GBEDJISSI 90+5' (Recovery by Polito in the central circle who plays with Proniez who puts him back in the right lane. Polito crosses for Gbedjissi in the axis at 5.5m who takes over from the right)
Warnings: Trevisan 45+1'; Lejeune 27', David 43', Bertrand 90+2'
>> The match sheet

Sunday January 19, 2025 – 14h30
Orléans (Stade de la Source 2)
Referee: Sylvia Philion
Warnings: Vranic 27', Binate 66'; Rougemont 16', Joseph 42'
>> The match sheet




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