“Florentino Pérez will not spend 40 million on a right back”

“Florentino Pérez will not spend 40 million on a right back”
“Florentino Pérez will not spend 40 million on a right back”

In a mixed start to the season more marked by injuries than the beautiful game, Real Madrid is still at the center of debates in Spain.

On Radio Marca, Pipi Estrada, Ricardo Reyes, Pedro Riesco, Jorge Segura, Amalio Moratalla and Pablo Pinto were the speakers in the famous Friday show “La Tribu”. The various columnists did not fail to react with enthusiasm to the hot news from Real Madrid. A little jumble of reactions to the radio show that has become cult in Spain.

Ricardo Reyes: “At Barça, the young players from the training center hold their place in La Liga. Why is it so different at Real? If there are no players trained in the first team, it is because Real Madrid has a problem with his Cantera.”

Pedro Riesco: “I understand Ancelotti perfectly. The most coherent thing is to sign a new player, even if the market is not necessarily going to offer what Ancelotti himself and the club want. But Ancelotti will give everything to sign a new player because the situation demands it.”

Jorge Segura: “Regardless of the importance of Carvajal, which is beyond doubt for Madrid and the national team, and beyond the emotional shock that his injury represents, has Real not planned fallback solutions, not only with Carvajal, because it could happen with another player in another position? Or do they not have the resources to compensate for this? Should they go to the transfer market right now? “Money must have very good planning… So the only option Real had was Lucas Vázquez? If they realize it now, it seems to me it’s a lack of planning and anticipation.”

Pipi Estrada: “I assure you that Florentino will not spend 40 million at the moment on a right-back. On the other hand, if they find a good deal in the market that could satisfy Ancelotti, then fine.”

Amalio Moratalla: “Real Madrid has a series of absences that they can resolve individually, case by case, but when you put them together end to end you end up with a team that is not competitive. If Ancelotti had a Fermín whoever he liked, he would take it out.”

Pablo Pinto: “I’m not saying you have to have three right-backs in the team, but can’t you really give a chance to a youngster from the academy? Look at Barça, with 15 or 16-year-olds playing football in the first team I’m not telling you that the youngster must arrive and be an indisputable starter directly, I’m saying that he must be able to play a few matches to compete with Lucas Vázquez.



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