Luis Enrique says he is ready to “lose 50% of his salary” to no longer have to speak to the press

Luis Enrique says he is ready to “lose 50% of his salary” to no longer have to speak to the press
Luis Enrique says he is ready to “lose 50% of his salary” to no longer have to speak to the press

During a press conference this Thursday on the eve of the reception of in Ligue 1, Luis Enrique was questioned about his difficult relationship with the press. The Parisian technician confirmed that he would be willing to pay a large part of his salary to no longer be obliged to respond to journalists.

Central character of a Movistar + documentary in three episodes which will be broadcast from next Monday, Luis Enrique does not intend to comment on the “sentences taken out of context”. Among the first extracts that were published, one of them showed the PSG coach assuring that he would not have coached the team during the era of the Mbappé-Neymar-Messi trio. “If only the team with the best player in the world won titles, PSG would have eight Champions Leagues… and it has none,” says Luis Enrique in the documentary, not feeling in line with the old Parisian recruitment policy. Asked about this outing this Thursday at a press conference, the technician dodged the question: “I don’t remember anything”.

Luis Enrique nevertheless wanted to make a more general clarification: “Any sentence taken out of context in a documentary, I will not comment on them”. The former Spain coach also clarified: “What I said, I mean it, it’s my opinion”, while recalling that there is often a very specific context to take into account.

“I would have no problem doing without it”

In this same documentary, Luis Enrique also explained that he could reduce his salary by 25% if it allowed him not to speak to the media, with whom he has had conflicting relations since his debut in Spain.

“The truth is that I have a good time with you,” first replied the PSG coach, revived on this subject. Before confirming his words: “But if I was given the choice, I would have no problem doing without it. I have never cut short a press conference. It was a spontaneous reflection but it’s true : if I am given a paper and I am told to sign to avoid speaking to the press but by reducing my salary by 50%, I sign but it is impossible. Contracts oblige coaches to speak.



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