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Senegal: “There will be no motion of censure” (Ousmane Sonko) | APAnews

The Senegalese Prime Minister affirmed on Wednesday that his government will not be dissolved despite the filing of a motion of censure by the coalition led by former President Macky Sall (2012-2024).

While the former ruling coalition, Benno Bokk Yakaar (BBY, united for one hope), filed a motion of censure against the Senegalese government on Tuesday, Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko declared on Wednesday that his team will not be dissolved by parliament.

« I can assure you that there is no motion of censure. By September 12, these people will have other things to do than be members of the National Assembly. “, he said during a meeting with the staff of the prime minister’s office, describing his opponents in parliament as ” politicians completely overwhelmed by events, supported by their press ».

However, BBY says it is ready to wage a final fight against the new government before the latter and the National Assembly are dissolved. After the rejection on Monday of the bill abolishing the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) and the High Council of Local Authorities (HCCT), MP Abdou Mbow, president of the parliamentary group of the former ruling coalition, announced the filing of a motion of censure against the government led by Ousmane Sonko.

According to several media outlets, Mr. Mbow made his request on Tuesday and submitted it to the office of the Speaker of Parliament, Amadou Mame Diop, his comrade in BBY, a twelve-year-old coalition whose death Macky Sall implicitly declared last Monday in a statement.

« We will file a motion of censure tomorrow (Tuesday) to bring down “The first ministerial team of President Bassirou Diomaye Faye, elected only five months ago, declared Abdou Mbow, expressing his satisfaction at having defeated, with 82 of his colleagues against 80 votes, the first bill of the head of state submitted to parliament.

Now, the final battle that BBY intends to wage, like a last stand, is to force Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko to give in, who led a fierce opposition to their leader Macky Sall before taking power last March with his political party, the African Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics and Fraternity (Pastef). Mr. Mbow and his comrades accuse him of refusing to make his general policy statement (DPG) despite the update of the internal regulations of the National Assembly that Sonko had set as a prerequisite for this still awaited statement.

The dissolution of parliament could take place as early as September 12, which is why BBY wants to register this file in emergency procedure, hoping to obtain a political gain. However, President Faye could immediately renew the government in the event of a vote of censure.

Several deputies of the former parliamentary majority consider Ousmane Sonko’s stance as a lack of respect towards them. They intend to use all the legal levers at their disposal to complicate the task for the leader of Pastef and the current regime.



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