DayFR Euro

Juve held back by Roma’s grit, rediscovering themselves as a strong team

After two consecutive victories, the draw at the Stadium slowed down Juve’s run, which, however, has caught up with Inter, the surprises Toro and Udinese. For its part, Roma can be satisfied with both the result and the performance on the field of the Bianconeri, demonstrating that they have recovered after the home defeat with Empoli and opening up rosy horizons for the future.

We see the new arrivals

In the second half, Motta threw the new arrivals: Conception, Koopmeiner, Douglas Luiz e Nico Gonzalez who, however, did not have the impact that the Juventus fans had hoped for. Understandable, having just arrived in Turin, although for the third game in a row the Brazilian continues not to be used as a starter. In the Roma ranks, positive debuts by Salemaekers e KoneDovbik was sent back, who is still getting the hang of the Italian championship. Juve’s performance was remarkable for its commitment and application, however it was unable to materialize its action: only one flash of energy from Vlahovic that found a prompt response from Svilar. On the other side, Di Gregorio, always attentive and precise, had the only scare on Angelino’s shot, confirming how much the two teams were able to control each other.

Works in progress

The chess game between Motta and De Rossi ended in a draw that, compared to the brilliant success in Verona, marked a step backwards for Juve in terms of play. The indications for the Giallorossi coach, capable of closing ranks after the delicate days following the home defeat against Roberto D’Aversa’s team, were quite invigorating. Tactically well-organized, Roma rediscovered themselves as a strong and well-rounded team right at Juve’s home: the initial choice of Pisilli and Saelemaekers was a good one, while Soulé increasingly shows a strong personality. A good sign. The rest, for one team for the other, will come after the break, which is more than propitious for the work in progress.



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