Motta and De Rossi, the friendship born from a shirt » – All the News, News, Live Insights on As Roma
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Motta and De Rossi, the friendship born from a shirt » – All the News, News, Live Insights on As Roma

Little is known about Juventus-Romabecause they are two teams that we still don’t understand how they are made. The Juve that amazed in the first two days is destined to leave space to the one built on the market with millions […] Even the Friedkins spent tons of money and therefore Rome will be very different from the disappointing one seen so far.

Koné and Saelemaekers are destined to change the structure of the team and between Dybala and Soulé there should be room for only oneat least for now. The only thing that is certain is the friendship, and above all the mutual respect, between Motta and De Rossi, old teammates in the national team. “By Daniele” says the Juventus fan “I like that he does what he thinks is right even if many have a different opinion, like when they gave me the number 10 shirt and many didn’t agree.

He instead publicly expressed himself in my favor even though he was not required to do so. I am grateful to him for the way he defended a teammate”. The reference is to Euro 2016, when coach Conte entrusted Motta with the number 10 left vacant by Cassano. The social media rebelled, De Rossi silenced them with fervor. […]

(the Republic)


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