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SENEGAL-DEVELOPPEMENT-PERSPECTIVES / The ”Senegal 2050” program will make digital a driving force of the national economy – Senegalese Press Agency

Dakar, Oct 14 (APS) – The new national development policy document “Senegal 2050”, presented to the public by the government this Monday, October 14, will make it possible to make digital a driving force of the Senegalese economy, assured the Performances Group firm, after having taken part in its development.

”First digital. Today, it is the engine of the global economy. The ambition of [programme] is also to make it the driving force of the Senegalese economy tomorrow, through broad adoption which will improve both daily life and governance,” said Victor Ndiaye, president of the said cabinet.

”Senegal will begin to put in place, from this mandate [du président de la République]the solid foundations of a digital society,” said Mr. Ndiaye while speaking at the presentation of the new national development policy document ”Senegal 2050”, in Diamniadio (west).

”Each citizen will have a reliable digital identity. Land and real estate will be digitalized with a view to equity in access to land and better tax justice. Citizens will benefit from widespread and affordable access to high-speed Internet,” he added.

Public services will also “be fully digitalized, as will many sectors of the economy,” assured Victor Ndiaye.

”The State will encourage the emergence of national champions, so that the Googles and Facebooks of tomorrow are Senegalese,” he continued.

”Digital technology is an opportunity that Senegal must fundamentally seize to make it a lever for our economic and social development,” underlined the general director of planning and economic policies, Souleymane Diallo.

Mr. Diallo maintains that ”if we do not put forward scientific and technological innovations, we will not be able to be totally sovereign in the long term”.

”It’s fundamental. All developing countries must make the effort to strengthen scientific and technological innovations,” insisted Mr. Diallo, assuring that ”Senegal is setting itself [pour objectif] to meet these challenges.

To achieve this, the State will “strengthen the digital revolution already underway, strengthen […] services that carry out research, innovation and popularization,” promised the official from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation.

The Senegalese public authorities will provide aid to “all these talented young people” who are working in this sector of activity, assured Souleymane Diallo.



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