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I imagine that all football fans know that last weekend, Carvajalright back for Real Madrid, suffered a significant knee injury.

It was Saturday night. On Sunday morning I woke up, turned on my phone and looked for some news that would clarify the consequences of the injury. The thing is going on for a few months. A shame, he is a great player at a spectacular moment.

The fact is that, in my inevitable tendency to make a point of everything, I realized the drift that my first morning worry took; I thought about the rivers of ink (and the web megabytes) that were going to flow to talk about the footballer’s knee; I thought about the money that the club is going to spend on operating on those ligaments and the subsequent rehabilitation; and, finally, in the infinitely lower intensity of information and the expense provided to the thousands of injured children in Gaza. Because, I say, some ligament rupture will have occurred in the strip in these months.

I did not stop at an analysis of the obvious contrasts (an analysis that I believe leads us nowhere), but rather the following reflection I made was: Why did I find myself more worried about Carvajal’s knee than about the latest war reports?

It’s easier

The first answer is obvious: it is easier. And I think it is easier because that knee does not challenge me, it does not confront me with issues such as evil, human dignity, my attitude towards the pain of others, the evil of man, suffering, In short, it does not confront me with the always uncomfortable mystery of death.

But I think there is more, That knee injury has a mythical halo, a halo in which a demigod, whom the gods and the coincidental course of events took from a humble family to turn him into a world-class sports star, is a young, strong, successful, wealthy man, before whom the masses gather. irrationally.

That is Dani Carvajal, a demigod who brings together the values ​​that our society venerates: youth, strength, success, money. That is why his life is worth more than those of others, and his knee is worth more than the lives of the thousands of Palestinian children killed in the last year. Because the value of life, today, is also a market question.

Dani Carvajal, Real Madrid full-back. Photo: Real Madrid

It should be said that, in case anyone doesn’t remember, Christians are disciples of the good shepherd, the one who is not like the hired hands (Jn 10, 12), the one who, if he loses a sheep, leaves the other ninety-nine alone and goes out to look for it – without clarifying whether it is churra or merino, lamb or old, fat sheep. or spandrel- (Lk 15,4). We are disciples of a good shepherd who cares even about the hairs on our heads (Luke 21:18), not to mention our knee ligaments.

However, drowned in the weeds of the values ​​that dominate us, the temptation to give more value to some lives than others is a persistent temptation. And thus a young man is worth more than an old man; a rich man than a poor man; a strong than a weak; a handsome one than an ugly one; an entrepreneur than a well-to-do; a winner than a failure; an ‘influencer’ than a digital illiterate; the one who knows how to do than the one who doesn’t know how to do; he who knows how to speak than he who does not know how to speak; a plane pilot who bombed hundreds of refugees; a brilliant student than a disruptive student; a toxic person and an affable one; a qualified worker than an uneducated worker; a lady who is the Latin girl who cleans her house; a young man who has had surgery will move forward than a terminally ill person; a businessman than the dozens of workers who enrich him; someone committed to society and justice than someone indifferent; a man of God than a bad person.

It’s a good idea to shake off the dust.


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