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Immerse yourself in the Battle of Arnhem with lectures at the Airborne Museum

Oosterbeek – The Airborne Museum and the Association of Friends of the Airborne Museum are joining forces again! A new series of lectures has started.

Come and listen to experts, specialists and experts in the Airborne Museum. This series offers both in-depth and exploration of various historical and current topics. The Battle of Arnhem is central to this.

“Operation Pegasus: a grand escape” by Lieutenant Colonel Gerard Gijsbertsen (sold out)

Saturday October 19, 2 p.m

Operation Pegasus involved two military operations. Pegasus 1 and 2, carried out in October and November 1944, were aimed at bringing Allied soldiers safely from occupied territory across the Lower Rhine after the Battle of Arnhem. In his lecture, Gijsbertsen not only highlights the planning and conduct of these operations, but also the crucial role of the Dutch resistance.

Gerard Gijsbertsen is a retired lieutenant colonel, secretary of the Ede Military History Platform and former board member of the Association of Friends of the Airborne Museum. Born in Ede and immersed in the military history of the Veluwe for years, Gijsbertsen is the person to tell you about these two daring escape operations from 1944. (text continues after image)

“Citizen contributions to medical care during the Battle of Arnhem” by Dr. Matthijs Somford

Sunday, November 17, 2 p.m

During the Battle of Arnhem there was an extensive military medical plan drawn up by the Royal Army Medical Corps. In the attempt to implement this plan, the help and support of citizens proved indispensable. During this lecture, Dr. Matthijs Somford will emphasize the efforts of civilians in caring for wounded soldiers and the risks they faced. Using personal stories, Somford tells how these citizens carried out their work under often dangerous conditions.

Dr. Matthijs Somford is an orthopedic surgeon and expert in the field of medical care during the Battle of Arnhem. Somford previously gave a lecture about the organization of British healthcare during the Battle of Arnhem. (text continues after image)

“Places from the occupation period to reflect on” by Ad van Liempt

Sunday December 22, 2 p.m

A wheat field in the hamlet of Rademakersbroek near Varsseveld, where 46 men were executed one day in March 1945: this is where it happened. Or the church on Hogestraat in Aalten where 48 young men were arrested during a raid by the German occupiers. During his lecture, Van Liempt takes you through a number of special stories about places that mark the period of occupation, in all their unimaginable horror.

Ad van Liempt is a renowned journalist, historian and television maker. He is known for his work in history and documentaries, with a focus on World War II and other important historical events. Together with photographer Rolf Baas, Ad van Liempt looked for fifty places where moving things happened during the occupation. These places are recorded in the book ‘Here it happened. 50 places from the occupation period to reflect on’. (text continues after image)

Attend lecture

You need a valid admission ticket to attend a lecture. Friends of the Airborne Museum and Museum Card holders have free access to the museum.

You can make a reservation via this link

Become a friend

Members of the Association of Friends of the Airborne Museum (VVAM) visit the museum for free and support the survival of the museum.

The Association publishes the Airborne Magazine three times a year. It contains current affairs regarding the Association and the museum, but also in-depth articles about the Battle of Arnhem. In addition, the Association regularly organizes events for members, such as excursions, theme days and lectures. The excursions take the form of Battlefield to areas of historical significance to the events of September 1944.


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