DayFR Euro

Borussia Dortmund turns game against Bochum

Der BVB wollte gegen Bochum Wiedergutmachung betreiben, spielte nach ordentlichem Start jedoch eine unerklärlich chaotische halbe Stunde, nach der es auch hätte 0:4 stehen können. Mit den zwei Gegentoren durch Matus Bero (16.) und Dani de Wit (21.) war der BVB gut bedient. Dann zog Guirassy los: Er erzielte das 1:2 (44.), wurde vor dem Ausgleich durch Emre Can (61.) gefoult und legte das Führungstor (75.) nach. Felix Nmecha (81.) traf zum Endstand. 

„Manchmal muss man leiden“

„Wir sind erstmal hinterhergelaufen, aber ich muss sagen, dass wir klar geblieben sind. Wir haben verdient gewonnen“, sagte Sahin dem Sender DAZN: „Wenn das dritte Tor fällt, haben wir ein Riesenproblem. Aber manchmal muss man leiden, um zu lernen.“

Can gab zu, dass die Spieler nach dem frühen Rückstand „die Niederlage in Stuttgart im Kopf“ gehabt hätten: „Trotzdem haben wir Charakter gezeigt.“

Für Sahin war das demütigende 1:5 in Stuttgart ein Lehrgeld-Spiel. Der neue Trainer verzichtete aber auf einen tiefgreifenden Umbau, er veränderte seine Mannschaft für das Derby punktuell und teilweise notgedrungen. Kapitän Can ersetzte den angeschlagenen Marcel Sabitzer, Yan Couto gab hinten rechts sein Startelf-Debüt, Jamie Gittens rückte ebenfalls ins Team. 

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Bochum, now winless in six competitive games under coach Peter Zeidler, found themselves forced into the defensive from the start. BVB started running, Karim Adeyemi had the first big chance with his header (11th). Again and again the Dortmund team played their way into the penalty area, where their opponents threw themselves at their feet to the cheers of 8,000 away fans. Patrick Drewes also parried an 18-meter shot from Julian Brandt.

Bochum quickly and without frills

Then the game was as if it had been broken: Bochum tried to play quickly and without frills after winning the ball. And with what success! After a one-two with Philipp Hofmann, Bero hit from the half-left right between the approaching goalkeeper Gregor Kobel and the post. Shortly afterwards, BVB made it even more difficult for themselves: Kobel lost the ball while dribbling due to an arm tug at Myron Boadu, and de Wit pushed it into the empty goal.

For the absurdly unsorted BVB, things continued in the wash cycle. De Wit could have scored again (24′) – and then Boadu ran towards Kobel alone from the halfway line. That was probably too much time to think, he shot past the left from 15 meters (33′). On the other side, Brandt (39′) should have scored, Guirassy was first blocked and then scored with his head immediately afterwards. The game was a highly entertaining exchange of blows.

BVB had 45 minutes left to avoid further disappointment. And he tried hard: Pascal Groß (50th) tested Drewes, but the pressure wasn’t really there yet. Bochum stood deep, defended passionately and celebrated winning duels like a goal. However, former Dortmund player Felix Passlack then brought Guirassy down.

Surprisingly, BVB initially let up after a successful comeback, while VfL initially created the better opportunities. Joker Moritz Broschinski gave away the best two minutes after coming on (64′). After that, the BVB rush was unstoppable for his tired colleagues.


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