What Séga Sakho said on Friday July 9, 2021
DayFR Euro

What Séga Sakho said on Friday July 9, 2021

We are used to paying posthumous tributes to illustrious personalities who have passed away. But Abdoulaye Diaw is not one of them because as of Friday, July 9, 2021, deserved tributes had been paid to him by the world of sports.
Except that at this ceremony, a former Senegalese international footballer from the 70s, Séga Sakho, expressed his disagreement with the posthumous tributes.

To anyone who would listen, he had publicly announced this from the bottom of his heart. “A personality must receive his homage before his recall to God to remind history and the younger generations of what he did for the nation. I, Sega Sakho, repeat to anyone who will listen, Souma déwé gnimay sargal yalnaniou déh (laughter from the audience). This is what we deserve,” he had said.

Unfortunately, this wish was not granted. He died at the age of 75. The former footballer died during the night from Sunday to Monday, September 9 at the Principal Hospital in Dakar, following an illness. Victim of a stroke. Séga Sakho was a former player of US Gorée, Linguère de Saint-Louis, Jeanne d’Arc, as well as ASC Jaraaf in Dakar…


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