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a month of mobilization against pediatric cancer

You probably know about Pink October, the month of awareness against breast cancer; but have you ever heard of September in gold ? A month of mobilization against pediatric cancer, initiated in 2016 in the United States and which has been exported almost everywhere in the world. In France, it is the association Imagine for Margo which is relaying the event in order to inform, raise awareness, but also to collect money for research.

Pediatric cancer, a taboo that needs to be talked about

Childhood cancer is a scourge, an aberration, an injustice, which no one wants to think about. And yet, it is also a reality. In France, 2,500 children under 15 are diagnosed each year. It is also the leading cause of death by disease in children over 1 year old. Because while 80% of children are cured, 20% do not find a satisfactory therapeutic response. And the little warriors who manage to overcome the disease will often have to live the rest of their lives with serious after-effects due to very invasive treatments. Despite everything, there are also reasons for hope. Thanks to research, the most common cancer in children, leukemia, is now well treated.

But the fight must continue because, as Maxime Roques, head of communications at Imagine for Margo, laments, it has been 30 years since research has made any major progress. If recently, the major BIOMEDE clinical trial produced results…

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