DayFR Euro

Declaration under Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and Article 223-16 of the General Regulations of the Financial Markets Authority


September 5, 2024

Declaration under Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and Article 223-16 of the General Regulations of the Financial Markets Authority

Information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares making up the share capital of the Company as of August 31, 2024


Number of shares1 making up the capital

Theoretical number of voting rights2


179 572 195

179 572 195


*        *

SCOR, a leading global reinsurer

A leading global reinsurer, SCOR offers its clients an innovative and diversified range of reinsurance and insurance solutions and services for risk control and management. True to its motto “The Art and Science of Risk”, the Group uses its recognized industry expertise and cutting-edge financial solutions to promote the well-being and resilience of populations.
The Group recorded €19.4 billion in premiums in 2023. Represented through 35 offices worldwide, it serves its clients in nearly 160 countries.
For more information, visit:

Relations Presse
Alexander Garcia
[email protected]

Investor Relations
Thomas Fossard
[email protected]

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All content published by the SCOR group from January 1, 2024 is certified with Wiztrust. You can verify its authenticity on the website.

1 Each with a nominal value of 7.8769723 euros
2 The gross number of voting rights is calculated on the basis of all shares to which voting rights are attached, including shares deprived of voting rights (Art. 223-11 of the AMF General Regulations)



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