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Women’s pain taken less seriously by the medical profession

“It’s all in your head.” What woman hasn’t been confronted with this medical “diagnosis” when she goes to the doctor for some kind of pain? In the health field, as in many other areas, women often take a back seat. It has long been proven today that they are at increased risk of being underdiagnosed, whether it is a health problem that is typically female (particularly related to the reproductive system, such as endometriosis, which takes an average of ten years to diagnose) or a disorder that a man might have had. It is also known that, in medical research, diseases that chronically affect women are understudied compared to those affecting men. Now, a new study is driving the point home by revealing particularly worrying results. According to work published in August in the journal Pnas, Pain perception is taken less seriously by caregivers when the patient is a woman. Women are also taken to the emergency room on average 30 minutes later than men. To arrive at this sad conclusion, researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). They presented a fake medical case to 109 nurses at a hospital in Missouri (United States). In the latter, the patient complained of very severe pain (…)

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