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Édouard Philippe formalizes his candidacy for the next presidential election

While the appointment of a new Prime Minister is still awaited, it is a former tenant of Matignon who is already entering the race for the presidential election a priori scheduled for 2027. In an interview with Pointpublished this Tuesday, September 3, Édouard Philippe has made official his ambition to become head of the French state.

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« I will be a candidate in the next presidential election “, soberly responded the mayor of Le Havre and president of the Horizons party to a question from the newspaper about his political ambitions, a year and a half after having affirmed that he was preparing for this deadline.

In this long interview, the former Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron (2017-2020) says he is preparing “to propose things to the French.” “What I will propose will be massive. The French will decide.”he says.

While his ambitions for the Elysée were hardly a mystery, particularly given his constant popularity in the polls, Édouard Philippe had never publicly announced his candidacy for the next presidential election. On May 22, he had nevertheless left some clues by indicating on France Bleu Mayenne: “No, I am not a candidate, I am preparing.”

“It is often said that for a presidential election you should not want anything else. I agree with that.”the mayor of Le Havre said today, saying he was ready, even in the event of an early presidential election.

On the substance, the former resident of Matignon evokes in particular “four perils” which France must face in the current period: “democratic”, “budgetary”, “immobility” et “public order and security”.

However, Édouard Philippe’s stated ambitions quickly came up against the current political situation and Emmanuel Macron’s search for a new Prime Minister.

He was therefore logically questioned about Matignon and the Xavier Bertrand and Bernard Cazeneuve hypotheses, affirming that he would support “any prime minister chosen in a political space that ranges from the conservative right to social democracy”.

“All government parties should have as their primary objective to promote the stabilization of political life”he advocated in this interview, not without sending a message to his former political family, the Republicans. The right must get involved. By refusing to participate in this central bloc, it is pushing the whole thing towards the left.”

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