DayFR Euro

Emmanuel Macron once again fails to break the unity of the NFP

Will the consultations ever end? Emmanuel Macron is continuing his cycle of discussions opened on August 23 with the main political leaders. The objective is still the same: to find a successor to Gabriel Attal. This Tuesday, September 3, after speaking early in the morning with Xavier Bertrand, Laurent Wauquiez, Gérard Larcher and Bruno Retailleau, the Head of State once again looked to the left by inviting the headliners of the New Popular Front to a phone call. But one detail shows that he still hopes to be able to fracture the left-wing coalition: he approached them separately and did not solicit their common candidate for Matignon, in the person of Lucie Castets.

By betting on Bernard Cazeneuve as a left-wing option for Matignon, Emmanuel Macron is making a risky bet

« We denounce these improvisations and we reject the desperate attempts to divide our coalition.”immediately denounced the coordinator of La France insoumise Manuel Bompard. His position remains unchanged: as he explained last week, the deputy from Marseille will only go to the Élysée ” to work on the terms of cohabitation”. Mathilde Panot also hears “reaffirm the common position” : “The President of the Republic must appoint Lucie Castets to Matignon”. Earlier in the afternoon, during a press conference held at the Assembly, the president of the LFI group had declared that “If Emmanuel Macron could appoint himself and coexist with himself, he would do so.” Before adding: “The President of the Republic is exceeding his powers and plunging the country into a political crisis that he himself created”.

For their part, the First Secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure and the President of the Socialist group in the Assembly Boris Vallaud have agreed to meet with the President. Both of them first ensured that all the forces of the left-wing coalition were contacted. This attitude represents a change of tack for the two men, who just a few days ago still felt that they did not want to go ” accomplices in a parody of democracy” while playing “ the auxiliaries of a dying macronie »Their empty chair policy had been criticised by the right wing of the PS, which considered that contact should not be broken with the Élysée.

On the green side, we also agree to resume dialogue with Emmanuel Macron, but only to talk about Lucie Castets. We are offered an appointment at 6:30 p.m. The Ecologists are known for their frankness, the clarity of their line and their consistency. It is in this state of mind that we will go to remind the President of the Republic of what he already knows.the leader of the Green Party, Marine Tondelier, told the press, specifying that she had been invited with the president of the group to the Assembly, Cyrielle Chatelain.

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