Should I give the bottle before or after the meal?
DayFR Euro

Should I give the bottle before or after the meal?

From 4 months, your child will be able to start discover new foods in addition to bottle feeding or breastfeeding. A whole new world of flavors and textures opens up to him…

What is food diversification?

During the diversification of food, baby gradually discovers new foods. It begins with the introduction of fruits and vegetables in half-jars of 70 g, then starchy foods around 9 months (pasta, rice, wheat semolina, etc.) and animal proteins in small quantities around 1 year (hard-boiled eggs, meat, fish). You have to go at the child’s pace, give him time to taste everything.

You can add a small amount of fat (rapeseed oil, olive oil, butter, etc.) to the purees (one teaspoon).

When to start diversifying food?

It is considered that it is possible to start giving vegetable purees or fruit compotes to children gradually from the age of 4 months. Before that, its digestive and metabolic functions are still too immature and the allergic risk would be too great. After 6 months, milk alone will no longer cover the baby’s nutritional needs.

There are a few indicators that will show that the baby is ready for this, including:

he watches carefully what you eat; he holds his head well;

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