What is this device that can detect chronic diseases?
DayFR Euro

What is this device that can detect chronic diseases?

Prevention is better than cure – No need to wait to receive an invitation for this health check-up available since last June, one of the objectives of which is the prevention of chronic diseases

In France, one in four people live with a chronic disease, and this figure reaches three in four among people over 65. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a large proportion of these chronic diseases can be prevented by interventions targeting several risk factors, such as physical inactivity, diet, and alcohol and tobacco consumption.

The “My prevention assessment” system, initially announced by President Emmanuel Macron in 2022, now invites around 21 million French people to take this free assessment.

What is the “Prevention Assessment”?

The Prevention Check-up is a consultation designed to promote a proactive approach to health. This appointment, lasting 30 to 45 minutes, allows patients and health professionals to discuss lifestyle habits, assess the risks of (…) - 20minutes

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