Michel Barnier’s dream government
DayFR Euro

Michel Barnier’s dream government

ATo the political leaders he has consulted vigorously since his appointment on Thursday – from LR leaders led by Laurent Wauquiez to Édouard Philippe and Élisabeth Borne – Michel Barnier has sent the following message: he wants to move quickly and have a government “at the beginning of the week”. A wish shared by some Macronists: “It would be good if we had a council of ministers on Wednesday”, hopes a person very close to the president.

Even. Because there is a long way to go between the cup and the lips, as the new “PM”, as they say in the jargon, will have to deal with the demands of Gabriel Attal, now full-time boss of the EPR group (Ensemble pour la République), and the renewed appetite for positions of his political family, Les Républicains. A divine surprise for this right wing that has not governed since 2012 and believed itself condemned to a slow death. So much so that cell phones were crackling all weekend at LR, with this burning question on everyone’s lips: “So, who’s going to come back?”

What place for the Macronists?

Ministers, they no longer dared to dream of it, but they are not unaware that it will be necessary to make room for the Macronists, three times more numerous in the hemicycle of the Assembly (166 elected against 47), for the “Philippists”, for the centrists of François Bayrou (MoDem), Hervé Marseille (UDI) and Hervé Morin (the Centrists), for the radicals and for hypothetical left-wing figures in the name of openness.

As always in the event of a reshuffle, it is therefore advisable to be very careful. […] Read more


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