A privileged exchange between Macron and Le Pen for Matignon? Both camps deny « Le JDD »
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A privileged exchange between Macron and Le Pen for Matignon? Both camps deny « Le JDD »

POLICY – None « deal » particular between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron for Matignon. This Sunday, September 8, both camps denied the information from the Sunday Journal who tells “the secret backstage” which led to the appointment of Michel Barnier, with in particular the intervention of Thierry Solère, a close friend of the president, and a direct appeal from the head of state to the head of the National Rally deputies.

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Finding a head of government required consultation with all groups, and Emmanuel Macron publicly tried to do so after the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. But the first discussions came to nothing. According to the JDDthe situation was resolved on the evening of Wednesday, September 4, when the name of Michel Barnier was mentioned and Marine Le Pen announced that she would not veto it.

But the next day, RN elected officials trashed the Barnier option. According to the story given by the weekly, the President of the Republic “sends Thierry Solère as a scout to Le Pen to take the temperature” before calling Marine Le Pen himself to ensure that the RN will not vote for immediate censure.

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The left, which already denounced a President of the Republic “under guardianship” of the RN, quickly reacted to the article of the Sunday Journal. “We learned this morning in the press that Mr. Macron and Mrs. Le Pen have agreed to steal the French vote.”writes Manuel Bompard of LFI on CNews/Europe 1. “Let’s stop boring us with the idea that the left missed the step to power. Macron dealt with Le Pen via one of his Sarkozy advisers who is the subject of 13 indictments.”adds the communist Ian Brossat, insisting on the multiple legal cases launched against Thierry Solère.

“Not Macron’s DHR”, exchanges “Tuesday” but not after

Even before Michel Barnier’s appointment, the National Rally did not hide its joy at playing the role of “arbitrator”. However, Marine Le Pen firmly denied having been contacted by the Élysée on Thursday, before the official announcement. “I have not had any exchange with Emmanuel Macron” Thursday, she assured this Sunday, questioned since her return to Hénin-Beaumont on the JDD article.

“We were received by Emmanuel Macron, we said (…) what were for us the criteria, the conditions which would lead to an immediate non-censorship on the part of the National Rally, of the Prime Minister who would be chosen”she said. But “I am not Emmanuel Macron’s HR director”she added, denying any active role.

Near the HuffPostthe Élysée also refutes this call in the last hours before the announcement. “The president had all the party leaders on the phone on Tuesday and we had communicated on that.” we are told at the Palace. A close friend of the head of state also brushes aside the remonstrances of the left and targets the PS. “Did someone offer you a platform of 40 socialist deputies in support of Bernard Cazeneuve? If this platform, or any other form of clear support had existed, the choice of the president could have been different”pings this source. “The left created the conditions for the emergence of a right-wing Prime Minister and mechanically positioned the RN as the first censor”she castigates.

A recurring speech, especially in Macronist circles, but which ignores a crucial point. Putting Bernard Cazeneuve at Matignon would have been accompanied by a shift to the left with the key to a possible return to certain totem measures of Emmanuel Macron, including the pension reform. Something that Emmanuel Macron categorically refuses.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

Barnier under “RN surveillance” according to Bardella? The Prime Minister dodges the threat

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