Here’s Why Only-Child Stereotypes Are Wrong, According to New Study
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Here’s Why Only-Child Stereotypes Are Wrong, According to New Study

There are still many misconceptions about only children. A study conducted by the University of London has highlighted that Only children are no less happy than those who grew up in a sibling group, as related Good To Know. While some people worry that only children will be left with a great sense of loneliness as they have to care for their parents once they reach adulthood, the latter would not be particularly affected by this reality. “Contrary to preconceived ideas and outdated stereotypes about only children, the results of our project thus suggest a generally reassuring image of the lives and outcomes of only children.”assure the researchers who collaborated in this study.

A phenomenon confirmed by the observations of psychologist Susan Newman: The differences between only children and those raised with siblings are minimal or non-existent. A child’s future depends more on how his parents raise him than on the number of siblings he has, especially today with the advent of technology”analyzes the psychologist. Indeed, the temperament of only children depends mainly on the education given to them by their parents.

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