science news in brief

science news in brief

In the summary of the ultra-briefs of September 4, 2024: new images of the wreck of the Titanic show that the bow railing of “Jack and Rose” has collapsed, 20 previously unknown marine species discovered in the depths of the Pacific and the hunting practices of the first Americans.

The scientific news of September 4, 2024 is:

In archaeology: New images from the wreck of the Titanic show that the bow railing of “Jack and Rose” has collapsed.

  • The wreck of the Titanic has been lying at a depth of 3,800 metres in the North Atlantic since 15 April 1912.

  • New high-resolution images of the wreck have been released by the company that owns the rights to it.

  • They reveal that part of the ship’s bow railing, made famous by the characters Jack and Rose in the film Titanichas unfortunately disappeared.

In animals: 20 previously unknown marine species discovered in the Pacific depths.

  • This is the third time this year that the Schmidt Institute of Oceanography has organized an expedition into the depths of the Nazca Ridge, an underwater mountain range located in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Peru.

  • After those of January and February, this new mission carried out in the summer of 2024 was rich in animal discoveries.

  • There will be there, the team estimates, “20 potential new species”. But also representatives of others, already known, although very rare.

In Archaeology: Did Early Americans Hunt Megafauna Differently Than We Thought?

  • From the Clovis culture, we mainly know sharp points which are presumed to have equipped spears to hunt prehistoric animals.

  • But is attacking a gigantic animal with simple spears really effective?

  • A team of American researchers has proposed another hunting technique, which is particularly formidable.

In health: women’s pain is underestimated by the medical profession, and this is not without consequences.

  • Pain is subjective, the best person to judge it is the one who feels it.

  • However, the medical profession tends to trust this judgment more or less, depending on the gender of the person concerned.

  • Two recent studies show that women’s pain […]


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