When will cell phones be banned in middle schools?

When will cell phones be banned in middle schools?

It’s back to school even for the government. Nicole Belloubet, the resigning Minister of National Education, visited a college in Massy on Tuesday, September 3, which has been experimenting with the “digital break” since September. Nearly 200 schools have volunteered and almost 50,000 students are testing this new measure, which will be generalized “from January 2025,” the minister said at the back-to-school press conference on August 27.

Mobile phones have already been banned in middle schools since 2018. They must be turned off and stored in students’ bags. But in reality, electronic devices are often used on school premises: in class, in the corridors or even in the toilets. The aim of this “digital break” is therefore to ban the use of smartphones and all other communication tools, such as tablets or smartwatches, on school and middle school premises. The upcoming law should also give high schools the possibility of introducing a ban on mobile phones in the internal regulations on school and extracurricular time as well as during school trips organized outside the establishment.

The government’s objective is clear. The experiment of the “digital break” aims first to improve the “school climate” and in particular to “prevent online violence” or even limit “harassment (…)

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