“The essentials of our legislative pact will be included in his government program,” believes LR senator Marc-Philippe Daubresse.

“The essentials of our legislative pact will be included in his government program,” believes LR senator Marc-Philippe Daubresse.

While the composition of Michel Barnier’s government is still awaited, many personalities from the Republicans are expected to occupy a ministry. Meeting in Savoie this Thursday, September 12 on the occasion of their parliamentary days, the party’s parliamentarians have validated the principle of their participation in the new government.

For LR senator Marc-Philippe Daubresse, it is even the “responsibility” of his political family: “It’s not going to be easy, everyone knows that, it can be precarious, but we have to go for it!”

“We have a Prime Minister from our ranks, behind him it is up to others to position themselves”

“From the moment the Prime Minister tells us that the essentials of our legislative pact will be included in his government program, there is no reason not to trust him,” he said on Public Sénat. Presented after the legislative elections, this “legislative pact” presents several axes and red lines conditioning the support, or even the participation, of the right in the policy of the new government.

Conditions to which the new Prime Minister therefore seems to adhere. “Michel Barnier has told us over and over again that he agrees with our legislative priorities,” insists Marc-Philippe Daubresse. For the senator, the party is therefore in a position of strength and it is now up to the other political groups to adapt to this new situation: “We have a Prime Minister from our ranks, a legislative pact that we have worked hard on… Behind this, it is up to others to position themselves, it is not up to us.”

“It’s not just the score in the legislative elections that counts, we are in a parliamentary democracy”

With 47 deputies in the National Assembly, united within the group of the “Republican Right”, Les Républicains will not be able to govern alone. The National Rally and the centrist bloc have affirmed that they will not immediately censure the Barnier government, its future still remains very precarious.

Marc-Philippe Daubresse nevertheless wants to be optimistic, recalling that Les Républicains also have 131 elected members in the Senate. “It is not only the score in the legislative elections that counts, we are in a parliamentary democracy. With nearly 200 LR parliamentarians, we are the largest group in both chambers of Parliament,” believes the senator. The senator from the North forgets, however, to specify that only the deputies have the power to overthrow the government by a motion of censure. Under these conditions, the Barnier government will not be able to be satisfied with convincing the Les Républicains parliamentarians if it wants to last.


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