“In France, we don’t die from this kind of thing”

“In France, we don’t die from this kind of thing”

September is usually the peak period for lice institutes. With the start of the school year, the risk of “clusters” is much higher than during the rest of the year.

Having lice is anything but pleasant. Between the itching and the phantom sensation of wriggling, thinking that you are “parasitized” can be scary. Some parents still remember the case of Kaitlyn Yozviak, a 12-year-old American girl who died in 2020 of cardiac arrest after being infested with lice. The young girl lived in deplorable sanitary conditions. The police officer who took charge of Kaitlyn Yozviak’s body told the New York Post that it was “the most serious lice infestation” his investigative bureau had ever seen. How did the lice kill the 12-year-old American girl? The insects inflicted repeated bites, which apparently caused the girl to become anemic.

Lice do not carry disease, and cannot a priori be considered a means of spreading deadly diseases. Virginie Thoby, a biologist by training and founder of the anti-lice center Pouxpidoo in Nantes, explains that diseases caused by a lice infestation are rare. According to the expert, “they live at our expense without bringing anything good {…}, they eat, they digest, they defecate”. It is unpleasant, certainly, but it is not fatal. Virginie Thoby affirms “that in France, we do not die from this kind of thing”. The Nantes louse remover returns to the case of Kaitlyn Yozviak and explains that it is “in reality a consequence. You scratch yourself, so there are wounds. If you scratch yourself with dirty nails, it is possible to cause septicemia. It can happen, but it is very rare”. In Kaitlyn Yozviak’s case, her lifestyle and the infection of her scabs are to blame, “it was the germs that made her case worse, not the lice. These head parasites don’t kill.”

Before embarking on treatment, it is important to master prevention. In fact, anti-lice treatment begins even before you have lice. Virginie Thoby assures us that the first thing to do is to tie up your hair: “You don’t take public transport without tying up your hair”. Static electricity would be the ideal factor for contamination. “If you have beautiful, well-hydrated hair that is not too dry, the louse will not be able to climb”, on the other hand, if your hair is a little dry, the parasite will have more grip. Our expert deplores a recent resurgence of lice. The cause? Mobile phones. “We take selfies, we watch videos head to head, it’s terrible”. Second piece of advice given by Virginie Thoby, brush your hair, but not with just any tool. “At the end of the day, you must systematically use the lice and nits comb”.

What about essential oils? They are effective repellents. However, they are completely useless for extermination. Eucalyptus, oregano, peppermint, tea tree, clove and Chinese cinnamon are the most commonly used oils in post-treatment institutes. Effective, but very fragrant, lavender is nevertheless not recommended for adolescents. The louse remover explains that in her center, pennyroyal is preferred. “The louse has 14 nostrils, so it will smell the repellent well before us”. But be careful, essential oils are not suitable for young children or pregnant women. It is also important to remember that dyes are neither repellents nor effective treatments. Indeed, the chemicals they contain are useful for getting rid of adult lice, but strengthen the adhesion of eggs to the roots. The problem will therefore not be solved.

VIDEO – Health Record – Dr Christian Recchia: “Be careful, lice cause scratching lesions that can turn into scalp infections”

As soon as a louse appears, it is important to act. You have two options: chemical treatments sold in pharmacies, or appointments at lice control centers. It all depends on your desire, the time you have available and your budget. The effectiveness of pharmacy products varies, especially since the accessories included in the kits are not always well adapted. “In the treatments sold in pharmacies, you will only find a lice comb and not a nit comb. So you will leave the eggs”. A second application will then be necessary 10 days after the first.

For people who are not fans of chemical compositions and who are still not convinced by the effectiveness of these products, you can always go to a center. The lice are removed by hand, strand by strand. A second appointment for a magnifying glass check is included in the service. Prevention advice is also given by professionals.

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