This quick and easy technique will help you deal with back-to-school stress

This quick and easy technique will help you deal with back-to-school stress

Every year, it’s the same old story, September rhymes with overload. However, there are some techniques that are effective in avoiding being overwhelmed by stress at the start of the school year. In their book Objective No Stress: all the keys to taking care of your mental health (Ed.Flammarion), wellness expert and yoga teacher Lev Rosen and clinical psychologist Myriam Paperman discuss several practices, including one that is regularly recommended by personal development coaches and psychotherapists: anchoring. The latter is a series of tools designed to help you calm your limbic system on alert and reconnect with the present moment when stress triggers arise. “Grounding is a set of simple strategies designed to detach oneself from emotional pain (anger, sadness, addictions, impulses to harm oneself). Stress is the response that occurs when the brain designates something as a threat; grounding techniques allow the body to calm down and send the signal that the threat is over.”the authors explain in their book. Different techniques exist.

Techniques that involve the five senses

For example, you can bite into a lemon, dip your hands in water and focus on the temperature and sensation on your palms and fingers, hold an ice cube and (…)

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