Kamala Harris campaign stops in Georgia to mobilize voters on abortion

Kamala Harris campaign stops in Georgia to mobilize voters on abortion

Democrat Kamala Harris is continuing her presidential campaign by focusing on the issue of abortion, a topic that has become crucial since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed access to abortion. Her campaign has launched a bus tour across the country to mobilize voters on the issue at about 50 stops. On Friday, September 6, the bus held an event in Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, a key state for the elections and where access to abortion is now restricted.

With our correspondent in Atlanta, Edward Maille

Although the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris is not present on board, other Democratic officials are representing her on this tour, which includes around fifty stops to mobilize voters on the key issue of the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG).

L’expression « reproductive freedom » sits in large letters on a the bus bleu parked outside the restaurant where a political rally is being held. About 100 Democrats gathered to listen to political figures, including Sen. Jon Ossoff, in a state where theabortion is forbidden after six weeks of pregnancy: Georgia.

« I have fewer rights than my mother and grandmother had. »



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