DayFR Euro

a president is going to leave his club, anger is great among another leader

Big thunderclap in anticipation from Racing 92. It turns out, according to information from Sud Ouest, that Laurent Travers will leave his post as president of the Hauts-de-Seine club at the end of the season. Promoted to president by Jacky Lorenzetti, when he was manager of Racing 92, Travers should leave at the end of the season to sign with Aviron Bayonnais. He would arrive as director of and return to a role closer to the field. This would be a huge disappointment for Lorenzetti, who would have been furious since Travers informed him of it.

Crossing soon to ?

For the moment, on the Bayonne side, we refuse to confirm the information. But according to Sud-Ouest, Laurent Travers will sign with Rowing and he could arrive in Bayonne with an important financial partner. The regional newspaper indicates that the Bayonnaise management would have had little taste for being overtaken on several files in recent months, including in particular those leading to Mateo Garcia, Thibaud Lanen, and Beka Gorgadze. This is why the arrival of Travers would be seen as a great victory in order to obtain an important name in French rugby to gain credibility. But it remains to be seen whether this information will become official soon or not.

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To summarize

Big thunderclap in anticipation from Racing 92. It turns out, according to information from Sud Ouest, that Laurent Travers will leave his post as president of the Hauts-de-Seine club at the end of the season.



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