DayFR Euro

“Third in Top 14 and we’re almost talking about a crisis, it’s perfect, I love it” ()

On Tuilagi’s tackle: “It wasn’t at all my goal to create a buzz”

During the defeat in , Grégory Alldritt challenged the referee Luc Ramos after having suffered a tackle that he considered dangerous, slipping him: “Don’t talk to us about player safety again. » The third line returned to this episode: “I already apologized to the referee at the end of the match. It was a discussion between him and me. It wasn’t at all my goal to create buzz about that. We talk, we try to challenge each other during the match. If they decided there was no fault, then there was no fault on that point. But it is certain that there are inevitably decisions which are not always fair in . I talk about player safety because World Rugby is trying to change rugby, to change the rules every year and make it even more complicated. Whereas on easy points, we could be more precise, we players and referees. »


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