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Sharing sex tapes or intimate photos, evenings of too much drinking… Players recount the excesses of the third halves among rugby players

the essential
Rugby, long a symbol of camaraderie, is today tainted by scandals following in particular the Jegou-Auradou affairs and Melvyn Jaminet. Testimonies from players denounce the excesses of the third halves.

This summer, the world of rugby was shaken by several scandals: the tragic death of Mehdi Narjissi, the Jegou-Auradou affair and the aggravated rape accusations, or even the racist remarks of Melvyn Jaminet with the XV of .

The Team collected testimonies from several amateur rugby players. The latter denounce the excesses observed during the third halves. Two major themes then emerge: alcohol and sex.

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“They grant themselves all the rights”

In the evening, the girls interviewed seem unanimous: alcohol flows freely. “It’s the one who drinks the extra glass. The one who finishes the bottle. I saw guys down two bottles of vodka deadpan and they were still standing,” says Manon Guerrit, player of the ‘ASM Romagnat.

Comments confirmed by Aline Sagols, former rugby union international: “In a pack, they can turn into real idiots. With the help of alcohol, the stupidity increases tenfold. […] The third half can become a concentrate of virility. Some people feel overpowered. They grant themselves all the rights,” she laments.

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Jegou-Auradou affair: still indicted, Hugo Auradou will return to the Top 14 this weekend

Intimate photos and videos

In addition to alcohol, sex becomes a slippery slope for certain players, as the Jegou-Auradou affair illustrates. Manon shows her fed up with the attitude of some people, in particular the messages she receives. “Our Insta accounts aren’t porn sites, guys. It’s not that we’re white geese, but please, stop sending us photos of your b****s! We don’t care, in done,” she says with annoyance.

Bénédicte, an experienced player from a club in the West, even says that certain players share intimate videos of their conquests with each other. “Players from my club made videos of sexual relations with this or that girl. They sent them to each other on Messenger and it made them laugh,” she bitterly regrets.

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Jegou-Auradou affair: “Her accounts of the facts are credible…” A report validates the complainant’s version and criticizes the abuses of the investigation

These abuses tarnish the image of rugby and increasingly worry the players who try to honor this sport as best they can.


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