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Jegou – Auradou case: the plaintiff’s defense counterattacks with a report that judges her story “credible”

While the request for dismissal, filed several weeks ago by the lawyers of Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou, is still pending, the plaintiff’s defense counterattacks with a new report. The latter considers the woman’s story “credible”.

The so-called Jegou – Auradou affair still causes so much ink to flow, despite the return of the two players to their respective clubs to resume training. In Argentina and for the lawyers of both parties, the battle is far from over. Two versions still oppose each other relentlessly and each piece added to the file could be valuable. After the publication of the official report of the psychological evaluation of the complainant which fell under the “credibility and validity gaps”, the lawyers requested a second report that the Parisian was obtained. A new expert has therefore delivered her interpretation of the alleged victim’s story. The one who did not participate in the evaluations but who had access to the file explains that: “the psychological portrait of the complainant corresponds to that of a victim of sexual violence”. “His repeated accounts of the events experienced are credible”she specifies.

“Aggressive interrogation”

In this new twelve-page report, the tone “inquisitive and stigmatizing” lawyers and experts of the opposing party are singled out. The expert reports: “an aggressive interrogation typical of a police investigation. Questions are asked of the person being evaluated that should be asked of the aggressors“.

For the lawyers of the two players, this new report only “very little weight”. The next stage of this case could take place in Mendoza where the prosecution should deliver its verdict on the request to dismiss the case. As a reminder, Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou are still indicted by the Argentine justice system.


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