DayFR Euro

Pro D2 – Provence crushes and launches its season

Pro D2 – Upset for forty minutes by the aggressive defense of , Provence Rugby delighted the spectators at the Maurice-David stadium in the second period to win largely (38-3). An offensive festival which allows the Provençaux to conclude the first block of the season positively.

The first of the last season against the 2023 champion. On paper, this poster promised, on the pitch of the Maurice-David stadium, it was a little different. Like their sluggish start to the season, Provence and Oyonnax stammered their rugby for 40 minutes. Having passed in front just before the break, the Provençaux then rolled out to offer themselves an authoritarian improved success against Oyomen (38-3) who concluded this first block on a bad note.

Drouet at the end of boredom

From the first minutes, Provence manages to deploy its game made of passes and movements. A slight domination quickly rewarded by a penalty from Jules Plisson (3rd). After a quarter of an hour spent making his defense speak, Oyo finally reacted thanks to the boot of Justin Bouraux (22nd). These will be the only points scored by the visitors. Opposite, Mauricio Reggiardo’s men continue to play. Just before the break, the mischievous Arthur Coville takes advantage of a clash between Atila Septar and Daniel Ikpefan to place a kick in this now empty zone. In the race, Léo Drouet drops off the unfortunate Paulo Taifili and finishes behind the line (37th). With the transformation of Plisson, Provence takes the lead at the break (10-3).

An offensive festival

Completely liberated by this test, the Provencals emerge from the locker room unleashed. Close to the line, Paul Mallez takes advantage of a good pivot pass from Andres Zafra to increase his team’s lead (46th). Highly visible this Friday evening, Inga Finau in turn crossed the line thanks to a perfect interval shot a few meters from the goal (55th). Completely overwhelmed, the Oyomen will then completely sink. Always as available and incisive, Adrien Lapègue benefits from a jump from Plisson (60th) then from a delicious inspiration from Jules Soulan (74th) to score a double and definitively validate the offensive bonus of the Provençaux. Five points which allow the winger and his teammates to climb to fifth place at the end of this first block. Big disappointment, on the other hand, in the camp of the visitors, twelfth, who leave empty-handed for the third time in as many trips this season.

After a one-week break, Oyonnax will once again have a lot to do with the reception of , second and author of an excellent start to the season. For its part, Provence will travel to Angoulême to confirm this good result obtained this Friday evening.


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