DayFR Euro

Top 14 – Shortage in second line at UBB before facing

It is with numerous absences at the second line position that Union -Bègles travels to this Sunday evening. With the injury to Adam Coleman and the resting of Cyril Cazeaux, Yannick Bru will have to find new solutions.

This Sunday takes place the remake of the last Top 14 final, between Stade Toulouse and Union Bordeaux-Bègles. A meeting in which the Girondins will want to show their best face to make people forget the humiliation of in June. But things are already complicated for Yannick Bru. The Bordeaux-Béglais manager is currently having to deal with a shortage in the second line position. Injured during the warm-up during the match against Racing 92, Adam Coleman suffered a muscle injury in his calf. A glitch which should keep the Tongan away from the field for at least four weeks. With the absence of Guido Petti, retained with Argentina for the Rugby Championship, and that of Jacques Nguimbous, who had ankle surgery, there are only three second line players to be available, a few days away of the perilous journey to Haute-Garonne: Cyril Cazeaux, Alexandre Ricard and Jonny Gray.

Bochaton to the rescue

Holder during the first three matches, the first city should also be rested against Toulouse, which considerably reduces the possibilities. All this commotion should precipitate the replacement of Pierre Bochaton in the second line. The usual flanker has already started twice in the second row in his career, including once against Stade Français on the first day. marker the winning try against Toulouse at Matmut-Atlantique last seasonBochaton could even start the match against the Rouge et Noir on Sunday.


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