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Top 14 – USAP: a wider field and shorter in-goals that the Catalans were able to discover in order to set up a faster game

This Thursday, September 26, USAP was able to do its first training of the season on the new lawn at Aimé-Giral. Right on time. The blood and gold players discovered a resized pitch, as desired by the Catalan management.

A new, radiant lawn. After the USAP subscribers on Monday, it was the players, this Thursday, September 26, who were able to discover their Aimé-Giral lair equipped with a now hybrid meadow. Finally. After several months of work since the end of last season, the blood and gold cathedral presents a pitch worthy of the Top 14.

Two days before hosting Clermont (Saturday 2:30 p.m.) at Aimé-Giral, Franck Azéma’s players came early to discover this natural meadow reinforced by synthetic on which the blade of grass surrounds itself. Enough to satisfy the Catalan manager, delighted that everything was delivered on time. “We are happy to be here, to be able to test the terrain a little this (THURSDAY) Morning. It’s stimulatingestimates Franck Azéma, at the end of this first training of the season at Aimé-Giral. Finding the locker room, which is a bit like your home, feels good. The players also appreciated it I think. Then, everyone worked hard to be able to give us the field for this training and to be able to set up tomorrow (this Friday). It’s a really good thing.”

Having a wider area, if you don’t move, it’s useless.

Especially since the Catalans were able to start to get their bearings on this perfect pitch. Even if, sometimes, the terrain is still preserved, with sequences of confrontations executed on the synthetic side parts. But it was important to do the tens of minutes of opposition, a few kicks and touches on this new playing field before the reception of Clermont.

Also read:
USAP – The PSG sidelines, immersive VIP experiences… for the Clermont reception, the Aimé-Giral stadium enters a new era

Because this new lawn has new dimensions. The land is two meters wider. The in-goal has been shortened by two meters and now measures only eight. This will inevitably lead to adaptations. Particularly with regard to the three-quarter foot game. “These are things that we did not suffer. We chose themsays the Catalan manager. Afterwards, having a wider field, if you don’t move, it’s useless. It’s part of how to occupy spaces and use them to control them, what you do on the pitch, without the ball, how you position yourself, how you lay out the game, read the spaces… That’s our game, our collective.” The goal remains “adaptable” : “There is depth with the synthetic behind the goal if we need to, we can add the two meters.”

Deploy qualities of speed, rebound and power

This new lawn was therefore important, both for the image that Aimé-Giral conveys, but also for the playing system of the Azéma project. Because all these benchmarks to be taken on this new meadow are intended to streamline the Catalan game and achieve a first victory this season against a Clermont who will move in force. “The pitch is not everything, but it is important to bring speed to your game. And we have done everything to have the qualities of speed, rebound, power”assures the USAP coach. Thus, the two training sessions planned before the big return to the match will only be beneficial for the Catalans. Especially since such a good quality lawn limits fatigue and stress on the body, particularly during scrums and conquest phases.

Last step, however, before the big mass on Saturday afternoon: approval by the National Rugby League. It will be this Friday, September 27. After that, therefore, USAP will do its last training before deploying its game as it wishes in order to obtain four precious points.


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