DayFR Euro

all the results of the 3rd day and the rankings


Lucas Bertolotto

Published on

Sep 22, 2024 at 5:43 PM

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The highest division of amateur rugby is well underway and played its 3rd match on September 21 and 22e competition day. Find on Rugby News THE scores And results of the 3e Federal Day 1as well as the rankings.

Federal 1: results of group 1

Federal 1: results of group 2

  • Royans – Nuiton: 28-23
  • Nantua – Annonay: 3-31
  • La Seyne-sur-Mer – XV du Coudon: 16-6
  • Montmélian – Berre l’Étang: 23-19
  • Tricastin – Villefranche-sur-Saône: 24-13
  • – Châteaurenard: 19-15

Federal 1: results of group 3

  • Lavaur – Castelsarrasin: 26-48
  • Ceret – L’Isle-Jourdain: 22-10
  • Castelnaudary – Gruissan: 19-17
  • Granada – : 31-27
  • FC Toec Toac – Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe: 20-35
  • Mazamet – Gaillac: 26-17

Federal 1: results of group 4

  • Nafarroa – Peyrehorade: 19-9
  • Lourdes – Layrac: 17-23
  • Oloron – Saint-Médard-en-Jalles: 23-13
  • Castillon – Tyrosse: 0-21
  • Gujan-Mestras – Bagnères-de-Bigorre: 14-39
  • 4 Cantons – Floirac: 31-33
Videos: currently on News

The rankings of the groups of Fédérale 1

The rankings of the four Fédérale 1 groups can be found here.

The 4e Federal 1 day will take place on October 6 and 7.

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