DayFR Euro

Top 14 – : discovering Antoine Frisch for his first outing in the colors of the RCT

In the capital, the new French international, a star recruit of the off-season, will discover the Top 14 and make his debut with . Quite an attraction.

Titi has grown up. A kid from Fontainebleau, a ball kid from Rugby Sud 77, Puc, and even… Stade français (2016-2018), Antoine Frisch arrives in his region of birth no longer really as an unknown. If kids are passionate about the American dream, the center started his dream on the other side of the Channel with Bristol and Munster. An extraordinary journey, almost unique in French rugby. After conquering the north, he must now reveal himself in the south, where the pressure will be much more intense.

To pull him out of the gloom, Bernard Lemaître, the president who never skimps on the means to densify his workforce, once again took out the check, the pen, and his handwriting with a few zeros before the decimal point. The ex-Munsterman ticks all the boxes of the ideal recruit: JIFF status, ability to recite a demanding game system, bilingual… His call-up under the blue, white and red banner during the tour in Argentina also allowed the Varois to glean a bonus salary cap. A far from insignificant fact, while the club flirts with the imposed limit.

Mignoni protected his player

You will answer us: and the pitch in all this? And you are obviously right! Frisch’s debut in the jersey with the lily of the valley represents a real treat, a Kinder Surprise whose toy we can’t wait to see. Here and there, those who know him best and have seen him play over time promise that the Red and Black have signed a player of a different quality than those present until now in the tank. Toulon expects from him, and the reverse is also true. The interested party has (re)come to to confront the best, in the hope of settling in permanently within the XV of France. A real challenge!

This pressure in double-blade mode forced Pierre Mignoni to calm things down. “He is still adapting. Don’t forget that he returned later than the others after the summer tour and even later because he arrived injured. He got injured during his off-season preparation, all by himself. We couldn’t have him on the training camp or in the preparation matches. So, he is a player who is behind schedule. He has to prepare, because when he is on the field… He will be judged quickly! He knows that. He has to be ready.” At Jean-Bouin, Titi will already pass a test in his new chapter as a player.

3rd edition of the Christophe Dominici trophy

Like every season, the brilliant winger, who died suddenly on November 24, 2020, will be honored during this match between Paris and Toulon. This trophy will be awarded to the best of the two matches. The Red and Black won the first two.


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