DayFR Euro

“Arthur (Iturria) told me, he didn’t lie to me”

How are your first steps in Clermont going?

The integration went relatively well. Honestly, the guys at … uh at Clermont (smile) are simple and humble. The group is quite similar to that of Bayonne, so it’s quite easy to integrate. I didn’t know anyone but the former players made sure it went as well as possible. They opened the locker room door for us.

What is different compared to Bayonne?

For me, who is new, there are a lot of things to learn. When I arrived in Bayonne (2022), it was different. There was a staff and a lot of players who arrived at the same time as me, so we all learned at the same time. Now, it’s different. The staff was already in place. It’s a bit complicated to receive a lot of information, to digest it and especially to reproduce it on the field. I try to assimilate everything as quickly as possible.

Second row Thomas Ceyte now plays in the other pack. He has signed with Clermont until 2026, with an additional year as an option.


Is it a little easy to be the “new guy” at 33?

It’s easy, yes, because I’m old, I’m 33 on paper, but I talk to guys who are younger than me. I like to laugh, put in a bit of money (sic), like I did in Bayonne. I try to integrate as best I can, whether it’s with the young or the older ones. I’m not old in the head, nor an old fool who’s going to tell the young what to do. On the contrary, I like to listen to the young and talk with them. If there were only old people in a group, life would be long (smile). And then, I’m relatively young in Top 14 (Editor’s note: he discovered this level at 31, in 2022 in Bayonne).

“(Christophe Urios) likes my profile and that’s good, it’s what I like to do on the field”

What were the first words of your manager Christophe Urios, his expectations of you?

Without talking about me, he told me that he wanted to put back in place the things that made ASM years before Covid: a big pack, a solid conquest… He and the staff expect me on all that. I try to bring my experience of the touchline, of the carried balls… It’s something that I like. I try to give 2-3 little pieces of advice when some young people ask me. He wants a guy who is a little aggressive, in the good sense of the term, who does what it takes so that the team doesn’t get walked over.

You seem cut out for the rugby advocated by Christophe Urios…

I don’t know if our meeting was logical but it went well. Apparently, he likes my profile and that’s good, that’s what I like to do on the pitch. Well, not every weekend either. Each match is different. For example, the first match in (39-7), I needed to hang on a bit with the guys, which is what I usually do to get into my match, in a new stadium. There were a lot of new things to take into account, so maybe I needed it a bit. Against Racing (33-20), a little less. Everything is different from one match to the next. That suits me well because I’m also a player who likes to take initiatives, without systematically going outside the box. If there are opportunities at the time, I’ll take them without asking myself questions.

“I’m not at the beginning of my career. I don’t have many bullets left in the magazine to know the final stages”

Thomas Ceyte, here with Pierre Huguet, during their last match at Jean-Dauger on June 8.

Bertrand Lapègue

What did you come to ASM for?

Qualifying for the finals. That’s a big goal for me. Last year, they were not far from qualifying and I think they could do it. I’m not at the beginning of my career (Editor’s note: he signed until 2026, with an additional year as an option). I don’t have many bullets left in my magazine to know the finals.

Before signing, did you discuss Clermont with your former Bayonne teammates: Camille Lopez, Arthur Iturria, Cheikh Tiberghien or Bastien Pourailly?

With Arthur, especially. He played 11 years at ASM (2012-2023). He told me I was going to have a great time. And frankly, since I arrived, I haven’t been disappointed. When you see the facilities, the way of operating, you feel that it is a very big club, very professional, very structured. He didn’t lie to me, it’s really great!

“Greg (Patat) is someone I like, who had the balls to come and get me at 31 to play in the Top 14. He made me play for two years, he trusted me and I think I gave it back to him.”

You started the first two matches but we imagine that the third is a little more important to you?

I watched this match as soon as the schedule came out. I have no animosity with the Bayonne guys, quite the contrary, I got on very well with everyone in the locker room. Afterwards, it’s always special to play against your old teammates, your old friends. These are not easy matches to approach. They know me, they know what I can do. I hope to find other solutions. I’m really happy to be back at Bayonne. I spent two great seasons there in my career. I only have positive things to say, really. But now, the page has been turned, I’m going to play with Clermont and we’re going to try to beat Aviron.

Have you focused more on the return match at Jean-Dauger on March 1?

Honestly, yes. I can’t wait to go back to Jean-Dauger, to find that special atmosphere where we stayed for a year and a half undefeated there, with a crazy crowd. I want to play on that pitch again.

Have you started teasing your former teammates?

For now, nothing exciting. Facundo (Bosch) put a little coin in for me. It’s going to build up with Guillaume (Rouet), Pascal (Cotet), the little gang we got on well with. Cassiem, I’ll see, maybe I’ll be the one to put a coin in for him…

Your first choice was to stay in Bayonne. Do you hold a grudge against certain people?

I don’t really want to answer this question, it’s going to get me more comments. I don’t want other “sites” to just take three words from the interview and make headlines out of them. One day, I read “Thomas Ceyte trashes Grégory Patat”. But it’s quite the opposite! Greg is someone I like, who had the balls to come and get me at 31 to play in the Top 14. He made me play for two years, he trusted me and I think I gave it back to him. Our paths have separated but I would be happy to see him again.


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