Pro D2 – Romans wins its first victory of the season against

Pro D2 – Romans wins its first victory of the season against
Pro D2 – Valence Romans wins its first victory of the season against Agen

Pro D2 – Romans will not experience 5 out of 5 in number of defeats. The Damiers won at home against SU (30-25), in a heroic match which almost escaped them. They won this match thanks to a good first period, before mainly defending, and owe their success to the lack of success on the Agen side. Finally, Valence Romans leaves the red zone.

After winning the title brilliantly last season, Valence Romans got off to a bad start this new year, with four defeats in as many matches. The bleeding was stopped with this victory against Agen (30-25), who also came very close to winning. Each team had its half, but the repeated failures on the SUA foot play gave the locals the victory.

Valence Romans takes the lead, Agen stays far away

There was no need to arrive late at the stadium, especially for the local supporters, because their players started the match strong. After a missed first launch of the game, the Checkers went into touch in the opposing 22. Launcher Cyril Deligny was at the conclusion of the maul despite two defenders facing him (7-0, 5th). After this first blow to the head, Agen tried to react, but made too many bad choices, or actions stopped by unnecessary mistakes, like this offside by Mazzoleni on a pass to the foot of Searle (13th).

The Drômois took advantage, and on a throw-in 40m from the line, the three-quarters combined and Adam Vargas made a huge acceleration to make the break (14-0, 27th). Without a solution, the SUA unlocked its counter only with a 40-meter penalty, at the half-hour mark (14-3, 30th). The Agenais finally scored a try, after a long work of undermining the forwards in the 22m. Buttin shifted Mazzoleni to flatten a corner (17-8, 40th). First failure at the foot on the transformation of Searle, and the gap did not reduce, the fault of two penalties from Moura (37th, 40+ 3rd). After half-time, Agen had to come back with better intentions.

The unfinished return of the Agenais

If it didn’t pay off with a new penalty from Moura (23-8, 43rd), Mazzoleni’s double came shortly after. It all started with a handball penalty, with a long sequence of work from the forwards. And as on the first try, the difference came when the play was moved towards the back, with Buttin providing the decisive pass and Mazzoleni finishing (23-13, 46th). An important return to the match from a mental point of view, especially since Vargas also scored twice for Valence Romans, with a ball snatched from Martins to score a 50-meter try (30-13, 52nd).

A try against the course of the game, unlike that of Jules Lebian. In the right winger position, he received a pass at the foot of Searle before scoring (30-18, 55th). Another failure from Searle, in the right corner. Morale was clearly Agenian. On an innocuous touch in the middle of the field, Ramoka served at Gayraud’s height. The third line crossed the defensive curtain before hooking Meret to flatten between the posts (30-25, 60th). Five points to make up in twenty minutes, it seemed achievable, but without counting on the heroic defense of Valence Romans, solid as they approached the goal. A bit of success too, when Roux didn’t take a card for a voluntary forward. Meret collected one for offside (76th). Agen played the shot badly too. With missed throws into touch. Or the last action of the match, when Martins missed his low kick despite having too many to play. The VRDR took advantage of this and can enjoy its first success.



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