Super XIII – Weather conditions prevent the Pia – match from finishing – Rugby League

In Daniel-Ambert, the rain made it impossible to play the match. At half-time, the Baroudeurs were trailing 6-10 by the Albigeois. The match is postponed.

From the start of the match, Joris Canton’s set the tone. Tony Gigot drove the truck to the front of the score line and Nittim Pedrero finished perfectly at the end of the line. Hampered by a capricious wind, Cancé did not convert, 0-4.

And 10 minutes later, while the Pianencs were camped in the Albi camp, Mathieu Liauzun dynamited the game from his own 10 meters and found Maxime Rostang inside. The young recruit who arrived from this summer showed off his speed and scored under the posts. The conversion went through and Albi led 0-10.

However, Albi is dominated at the start of the match. Dominated but very realistic since the orange and black only had two actions in the Pianenc camp. But two opportunities transformed into two tries. Conversely, Thomas Valette’s boys spent most of these first 20 minutes in front of the Tarn line but without ever managing to cross it.

And while a real deluge falls on the Daniel-Ambert pitch, the debates are balanced. But the Albi defense keeps a close watch while the Baroudeurs try to cross this orange and black iron curtain. Until Alan Baby reduces the score two minutes from the end. Lenny Chachoua puts Alan Baby into orbit with a magnificent little low kick. The international center converts his try, 6-10.

But as the players returned to the locker room already soaked, the rain and wind became more intense. A real storm hit the Pia pitch. And in the locker room, Mr. Lannes, Torreilles and Nicaud decided to suspend the match, the pitch having quickly transformed into a real swimming pool, the conditions making it impossible to play the second half.

But what about the rest? According to the rules, the match will be replayed, in its entirety, on a date that the clubs will decide together. As for the score, it will remain unchanged, and the kick-off of the postponed match will be given with an acquired score of 6-10.

Thirteen World Cup



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